My Blog
Welcome to my blog! Here are a few of my thoughts, ideas, and insights on leadership, career development, and more. From practical tips to personal reflections, I hope you find inspiration and guidance. So grab a cup of coffee and explore the posts below!
5 Tips for Managing Your Peers
The shine of promotion can quickly lose its edge when you realise it involves… Managing your peers. It’s not something we talk about very often but it comes up in coaching sessions with leaders stepping up into their next role A LOT! It’s a big deal because...
How Imposter Syndrome Could Be Blocking Your Path To Career Success
Hands up if any of these ring a bell: You often find yourself chalking up your success to timing, luck, or someone else’s error. Downplaying your accomplishments as “if I can do it anyone can.” Maybe you frequently find yourself agonising over the smallest flaws in...
The 5 Negative Thinking Habits Holding You Back And How To Tackle Them
“Why do I do this to myself?” How often do you find yourself thinking this? You mind is doing 150mph around the seemingly endless racetrack of unhelpful, negative thinking? You know this thinking pattern is making your life hard, yet somehow you do it over and...
How To Recognise Your Value When You’re Not On The Front Line
You feel like you're achieving nothing at work, but is that really true? If you're in a role that isn't front-line or fast-paced, with immediately visible outcomes and a 'to do' list that you can satisfyingly tick off every day, it can be easy to find yourself...
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